Case study

Rogue Alchemyst

My 2nd game: An alchemical fusion of a strategical, roguelike deck runner with the potential for co-op multiplayer.
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In a crafted blend of strategy and progression, Rogue Alchemyst inspirationally fuses the run-based deck building of Slay the Spire with Hades/Inkbound’s roguelike elements, mixing unique alchemical card fusion, solo or with a friend.


[x] Conceptual Planning

[x] Pitch Deck

[x] Teaser Website

[ ] Vertical Slice - WIP

[ ] Funding Found - WIP

Creator, lead developer

There are still decisions to be made:

Engine: Unity || Godot (the vertical slice will be made in Unity)

Multiplayer Service: AcceleratAXR (AXR) || AccelByte Starter || BrainCloud

There are not enough roguelikes out there for the demand, yet market studies prove they are wildly popular (with a high desirability for co-op): Low supply, high demand!

Rogue Alchemyst; more info later!

Teaser website:
